This site is created after the basic site at

This site is created after the basic site at

The basis thesis is at

The post-doctorate pursuit the research on the present site :

Welcome !


This work is dedicated first to my son Ghislain, Bill TWITCHETT and Geneviève VIAL whose respective being and work is a source of tireless inspiration and a source of perseverance in all the uncertainties. They passed away, but they guided me on the path of Anne Poelina, Ian Perdrisat and Magali McDuffie. Six people who change my life, with the help of Jennifer Hibbard, Dana Kelly, Brian McIntosh, Christine Black, Gwen Knox and G-P Vaillant (my famous namesake, writer and storyteller). Thank you from the heart. I ask them to forgive me for my disheartening slowness, as strong as my perseverance. This is simply the meaning of my life which is engaged in that way. The Post-Doctorate is only one step.

The final intercultural show « The Ngalyak and the Flood, Mardoowarra to the Meuse » is the symbol of this perseverance, and fraternity between France and Australia.

I thank for their patience and Michel Husson and Michel Deshaies. I have accumulated a lot of material, which I have used here only a small part: this report is a global presentation and synthesis. If I succeed this year to finish my Habilitation to supervise research (HDR), it will be thanks to their welcome and attention.

I’m not complete if I did not thank here the city of Charleville-Mezieres and its representatives, as well as my brother Jean-François, English teacher.

It is the demonstration that « Yes, it is possible! »… to build a convivial society.

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