Chapter 5 : appendices
5.A. Bibliography
Guide to the integrated water resources management (IWRM / IWRM – Integrated Water Resource Management published in 2008 and updated in 2010 and 2012.
The Global report on water and development :
WWDR 4 – World Water Development Report 4th edition) 2012/
International Glossary of hydrology, French, English, (and also Spanish and Russian)
UNESCO Water and indigenous peoples, Edited by R.Boelens, M.Chiba and D.Nakashima, Knowledges of Nature 2, UNESCO, Paris, , ER%2Bcomplete_LR.pdf
Susana Neto thesis
Sasana Neto Joseph Cambin IWC UNESCO Lena Salame and Nicasaghi Peter Cullen
Facilitators’Guide to Indigenous Water Planning (Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge)
David Richardson and Richard Deniss’s study, “Mining the Truth”, from the Australian Institute
Scientific studies and governance studies
Alexandra J., Spencer M., and Poelina A., Kimberley water futures workshop – Exploring water governance in the Kimberley November Broome 2015, 46 p.
Vogwill Ryan, Associate Professor at University of Western Australia, Water Resources of the Mardoowarra (Fitzroy River) Catchment, University of Western Australia, The Wilderness Sociaty, December 2015, 24 p.
Northern Australia Sustainable Yields (NASY), CSIRO, 2009
Key findings
- This project has developed and tested models that can provide a contiguous, consistent, robust and transparent analysis of water across northern Australia.
- Water availability was assessed for three drainage divisions and 13 regions of northern Australia.
- The climate is extreme, extremely seasonal and water-limited.
- The recent climate should not be used as a guide to the future.
- The future will be warmer; rainfall may be more intense; some areas may receive slightly less rainfall.
- Known future development will have minimal regional consequences, but may be locally important.
- Perennial rivers are vital assets.
- Opportunities to increase water storage are limited.
- There are opportunities for groundwater development but more data are required to determine extraction limits.
- There are few quantified environmental flow thresholds. Ecosystems have adapted to the extreme, seasonal climate conditions and are highly responsive to any change.
Northern Australia Water Future Assessment (NAWFA), CSIRO 2011
North Kimberley – How Traditional Owners of the North Kimberley want to look after their country – DPI (Dec 2004)
Report 42 Parlamentary report November 15th, 2015
Government of Western Australia, Western Australian Planning Commission, Departemet of Planning, Regional Planning and Infrastructure Framework, March 2014,
Part.1, Regional Strategic Planning, Dec. 2015, 109 p. Part.2, Regional Infrastructure Planning, Dec. 2015, 50p, Internet : ,
Dampier Peninsular Planning Strategy – WAPC (2015)
Shire of Derby/West Kimberley, Local Planning Strategy, 2013, 94 p
The draft Local Planning Strategy was elaboreted with Western Australian Planning Commission’s (WAPC) Planning Schemes Manual, and was presented to Derby–West Kimberley’s Shire Council at the Ordinary meeting of Council held on the 29 April 2010. The Council resolved to forward the draft document to the WAPC for consent to advertise it for public comment. The WAPC considered the draft LPS on 9 April 2013 and consented for it to be released for a two-month public comment period. The LPS provides a strategic context for decision-making within the Shire and is the precursor to a new local planning scheme for the Shire of Derby–West Kimberley.
Sustainable development of northern Australia, a report to Government from the Northern Australia Land and Water Taskforce (NALWTF), Commonwealth of Australia, dec. 2009, 50p, Chair Joe Ross. 3nRisks from Climate Change to Indigenous Communities in the Tropical North of Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, 2009, 194p.
Sharyn Munro, Rich Land, Waste Land : how coal is killing Australia, 2012, 452 pages
ROSE JOHNSTON Barbara, Editor-in-Chief, Water, Cultural Diversity and Global Environment Change. Emerging Trends, Sustainable Futures ? With UNESCO and International Hydrological Programme (IHP), Springler, 2012, 560 pages, voir préface page
PORRITT Jonathon, Capitalism as if the World Matters, Earthscan, London, 2007 (2005), 360 p.
Hirt Irène, « Cartographies autochtones. Éléments pour une analyse critique », L’Espace géographique, 2009/2 Vol. 38, p. 171-186. JOHNSON J.T., CANT G., HOWITT R.,
PETERS E. (2007). « Creating anticolonial geographies : embracing indigenous peoples’ knowledge and rights ». Geographical Research, vol. 45, no 2, p. 117-120. JOHNSON J.T., LOUIS R.P., PRAMONO A.H. (2005). « Facing the future: encouraging critical cartographic literacies in indigenous communities ». ACME: An International E Journal for Critical Geographies, vol. 4, no 1,
Government of Western Australia, Department of Mines and Petroleum Natural Gas from Shale and Tight Rocks – An overview of Western Australia’s regulatory framework,
Government of Western Australia, Department of Health, Hydraulic fracturing for shale and tight gas in Western Australian drinking water supplu areas, Human Health Risk Assessment, June 2015, 74 p. DF/Hydraulic-Fracturing-HHRA-18June%202015.ashx
The WA EPA Bulletin (WA EPA, 2014) reiterates that building community confidence in the regulation of hydraulic fracturing requires a sound knowledge based on the hydrogeology in the target area, the receiving environment and the chemicals and techniques involved. Where the project is likely to impact an environmentally sensitive area or drinking water source area or any other water supplies, additional information on the local geological and hydrogeological is conditions required to assess the risk of all potential impacts, including to local water resources information (WA EPA, 2014). (Page 38)
Government of Western Australia, Guide to the Regulatory Framework for, Shale and Tight Gas in Western Australia, A Whole-of-Government Approach, April 2015, 2015 Edition, 70p. content/uploads/2015/10/Shale_and_Tight_Gas_Framework.pdf
BURU ENERGY is the key economic entity to whom the development of shale gas on those 550,000 km2 has been entrusted ( ).
Australian organic bibliography
A final word on the organic approach. » The founders are CS Peirce, William James, Bergson, Dewey, Teilhard de Chardin, Hartshorne19. Many authors share, as the following authors, in chronological order: Sherburne, Franklin, Kraus, Charles Birch20 (Australia), Griffin, Cobb-Daly, Arran Gare21 (Australia), Mark Dibben22 (Australia): … In Australia is one of the most dynamic groups in the world with Arran Gare, Mark Dibben, Peter Farleigh, Andrew Dawson, Peter Wylie, Bernard Neville, John Nicholls, Wayne Hudson, Greg Moses … The DVDrom n°3 attached to this report gives the full text dozens of works of these authors. Figure 1 also reflects the application of the organic approach in 18 different disciplines, for many authors, summarized in the Handbook of the processive thought Whitehead23. The pedagogical CDROM that will be attached to the detailed report before Christmas 2013 contain a number of these works in PDF (found largely on
The most important reference is the last : WEBER Michel, DESMOND William, Jr (Eds), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Volume 1, Ontos Verlag, 2008, 691p.
BIRCH Charles, COBB John B. The Liberation of Life_ From the Cell to the Community, Cambridge University Press, 1981, 361 p. et aussi Science and Soul, co-published by UNSW Press (Australia), 2007 and Templeton Foundation Press (USA), 2008
DIBBEN Mark, KELLY Thomas, Applied Process Thought: Initial Explorations in Theory and Research , 2008, 389; 2009, 423 p (with Rebecca NEWTON).; . Concentrating mainly on the process philosophy developed by Alfred North Whitehead, this series of essays brings together some of the newest developments in the application of process thinking to the physical and social sciences. These essays, by established scholars in the field, demonstrate how a wider and deeper understanding of the world can
GARE, Arran (1993). Beyond European civilization: Marxism, process, philosophy, and the environment. Bungendore, N.S.W., Eco-Logical Press.Accessed from Swinburne Research Bank: . Voir aussi “Aboriginals, Colonists and Multiculturalism: The Dialectic of Recognition and Social Exclusion in Australian History” (2002, 32p.), “Process Philosophy and Ecological Ethics” (2008, 11p). These sur ; voir Œuvres sur
Founders of constructive postmodern philosophy : Peirce, James, Bergson, Whitehead and Hartshorne, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993. Translation Press, 2001. Traduction française H.Vaillant, Fondateurs de la Philosophie Postmoderne : Peirce, James, Bergson, Whitehead, Hartshorne,(FPP) 2001 (inédite)
STENGERS Isabelle, Penser avec Whitehead, une libre et sauvage création de concepts, Éd. du Seuil, Paris,
2002, 534 pages.
WEBER Michel, DESMOND William, Jr (Eds), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Volume 1, Ontos Verlag, 2008, 691 p.
5.B. The convergences of the thesis and post-doctorate
The thesis convergences
References 1 to 15 are in
Philippe Vaillant, Territorial Experience enlightened by A.N.Whitehead’s Thought : convivial Region’s Potentiality and application to the Region « Between Vosges and Ardennes », Thesis,
Unisversity of Lorraine, 2008, 750 p. Online at
Abstract : Civil engineers, just as architects, townplanners and geographers, are confronted with the experience of transformation of territory in its ideal as well as material dimensions. Following a non- dualist definition of the notion of experience according to the organic thought of A.N.Whitehead, it can be pointed out that also in the approaches of other authors : J.Degermann, G.Vial, B.Vachon, P.Calame, there are five invariables within this notion. Is it only coincidence, or just an intellectual exercise? To reply to these questions, a research protocol has been adopted and applied to fifteen different approaches. The convergence of approaches confirms itself. But how do these five invariables work together? Part II firstly presents “organic thought”. On this scientific and philosophical basis, confirmed by the experiments of B.Aspect (1992, 2002) can be defined the notions of pure, hybrid and real potential. These notions enable the characterisation of geographical objects. This non-dualist approach is close to that of Augustin Berque. These bases enable application of the organic thought of A.N.Whitehead to geography and to constitute a territorial and institutional “tool box”, in prolongation of the approach initiated by W.Twitchett. These tools conjugate to define the convivial region. As a demonstration, this notion is applied to the region “Between Vosges and Ardennes”, in order to open a perspective on the European Union (EU27) in terms of morphological region or convivial region. This in turn enables a preliminary evaluation of such potential regions for around twenty other sub-continental entities and also to explain the significance for the actors involved.
This thesis gives all the references and explanations for the 15 following cases:
- PRH International, Poitiers, La personne et sa croissance, 1997
- Association « La Chênaie de Mambré », 52 150 Brainville sur Meuse
- Bernard VACHON, Canada, Le développement local, théorie et pratique , 1993
- FPH, Paris (Pierre Calame), Le territoire, lieu de relation, 2001
- William Twitchett, thèse, Le site urbain, Potentialités (Urban Site, Potentialties), University of Paris IV Sorbonne, 1995, 390p., French
- AIU, 43ème Congrès 2007 (Anvers), Le Trialogue
- Patrice Braconnier, thèse, Un processus de connaissance et d’action (A process of knowledge and action), Poitiers’s University, 2005, 300 p. French
- Guy Di Méo & Pascal Buléon, L’Espace Social, 2005
- Rodrigo Vidal Rojas, Fragmentation de la ville, 2002
- Jacques de Courson, L’appétit du futur, 2005
- Philippe Destatte & Marie Claude Malhomme, Evaluation, Prospective, 2001
- Pierre Sansot, Poétique de la Ville, 2004
- Eric Dardel, L’homme et la Terre, 1952
- Augustin Berque, Ecoumène, 2000
- AITF France, GT DST, Congrès de Montbéliard, 2001
Complete references of the post-doctorate convergences
- Louis Marie Chauvet, Symbole et sacrement, une relecture sacramentelle de la vie chrétienne (Symbol and Sacrament, sacramental re-reading of the Christian Life), Editions du Cerf, Paris, 2008, 582
See page 441 to 446 the demonstrations step by step of the organic sacramental process.
- Etienne Roy et Guy Vernerey, Conduite de projets complexes, 2010
- GIRE / IWRM UNESCO 2008, 2012
- Checkland Peter, Holwell Sur
CHECKLAND Peter, HOLWELL Sur, Information, Systems and Information Systems: making sense of the field, Wiley, 2005 (1998), 262 pages, voir schémas court page 102 & 205, completes page 106 et
- Flyvbjerg Bent, Making Social Science Matter. Why social inquiry fails and how it can succeed again, Cambridge, 2001
- Track-NAILSMA, Facilitator ‘Guide to Indigenous Water Planning, CDU, 2012 Facilitators’Guide to Indigenous Water Planning, Handbook, TRaCK, NAILSMA (Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge, et North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management), 2012, 30
- IWC – Regina Souter ; William C.Denisson ; Peter Oliver.
DENISSSON William C., Integrating and Applying Science, a practical handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment, Edited by Longstaff B.J., Carruthers T.J.B., Dennisson W.C., Lookingbill T.R., Hawkey J.M., Thomas J.E., Wicks E.C., Woerner J., 2010. IAN Press, Cambridge, Maryland
(University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science –UMCES-) OLIVER Peter, WHELAN
James, The place, limits and practice of collaboration: lessons from case studies in community participation in natural resource management, Published by the Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management (Coastal CRC), Australia, Desc. 2005, 83 p. See a
Remembering in
Healthy Waterways
(« Rivières saines ») DENNISSON William C. & ABAL Eva G., Moreton Bay Study. A Scientific Basis For the Healthy Waterways Campaign, 1999, National Library of Australia, 250p.
- IWC – Dana Kelly, Learning Guide de KELLY Dana, MAHER Mary,; COUTTS Jeff, SARA Grant, Collaborative Planning, 2013 (ref. to VA Brown, David Kolb)
Dana KELLY, Thesis, Power and Participation, participatory resource management in southnwest Queensland, ANU, Avril 2005, 286 p. (voir DVD n°3)
Learning Guide de KELLY Dana, MAHER Mary,; COUTTS Jeff, SARA Grant, Collaborative Planning, International Water Centre, 2013, 208 p 2005
M.Keen, V.A.Brown, R.Dyball, Social Learning in Environmental Management. Building a sustainable future, Earthscan, London, 281p (Voir DVDn°3 le texte complet)
KOLB David a. Experiential Learning. Experience as The Source of Learning and Development,
Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1984, 38p. (Voir DVDn°3 le texte complet)
- Peter Cullen, This Land, Our Water, 2011
Peter CULLEN Trust “Bridging science, People and the Environment”, Water Resources of Northern Australia, A Framework for the Future, 2012, 8p.
- Christine Black, The Land is the Source of the Law, 2011 et
Anne Poelina, Built the Capacity of Nyikina Indigenous Australiens, Thesis , 2008 NAILSMMA, Indigenouus Water Policcy Group, Strategic Planinng Framework, Investing in water governnance & integrated water manaagement, POELINA A., STEWWART J., PERDDRISAT I., McDDUFFIE M., Madjullah Inc,. 2010 NCCARRF, RISK FRONTIERS, Charles Darwin Univversity, Future change in ancient worlds: : Indiginous adaptation in northern Australia, Final Report, BIRD, GOVAN , MURPHY, HAARWOOD, HAYNES, CARSO ON, RUSSEL, KING, WENSING,
TSAKISIRIS, LARKIN, Chaarles Darwin University, 2013, 266p.
Voir les nombreux travaux sur les Savoirs traditionnels confrontés à la Science occidentale sur le site signalé par Brian McIntosh à IWC. Voir aussi l’ouvrage de K. WEIR Jessica (Edt), Country, Native Title and Ecology, ANU, 2012, 174 p. Online at
25 RITTER David, Contesting Native Title. From Controversy to Consensus in
the Struggle over Indigenous Land Rights, Allen Unwin, Crows Nest, Australia, 2009, 250p. Foreword: Chief Justice Robert French.
- Paddy Roe, Stephen Muecke, Krim Benterrak, Reading the Country, 1984, 1996
- Quantum Mechanics , Michael Epperson, Quantum Mechanics and the philosophy of
A.N. Whitehead, 2004
- Barbara Glowczewski (Tjukurpa, Buccarrarra) ; Vanessa Castejon, Martin Preaud
Barbara Glowczewski, Le Rêve et la terre – rapports au temps et à l’espace des aborigènes australiens – les Walpiri à Lajamanu, une communauté du désert central., Thèse 3e cycle Ethnologie, Univ. Paris 7, 1981
Préaud Martin, Loi et Culture en Pays Aborigènes: Anthropologie des Réseaux Autochtones du Kimberley, Nord-ouest de l’Australie (Country, Law & Culture: Anthropoloy of Indigenous Networks from the Kimberley), Anthropologie sociale et ethnologie. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2009. French, Online at
Abstract : This thesis concerns Indigenous agency, socio-political and cultural systems, and their reproduction by means of performances within the contemporary Australian state. It examines the cultural
politics of Indigeneity developed by Kimberley Aboriginal people through their regional organisations. It presents an ethnographic study of Indigenous modes of representation and organisation based on fieldwork carried out with the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre, a grass-roots Indigenous regional organisation federating thirty distinct groups, between 2005 and 2007. As such, the thesis gives particular attention to contemporary Indigenous practices of cultural representation and political action. The study aims at providing an anthropological understanding of the continuing cultural and political salience of the difference between Aboriginal people and Kartiyas. Engaging with the concept and practice of Law and Culture, initial research questions have been reframed in terms of the reproduction of the Kimberley as a set of Indigenous countries. Developing a relational approach, using a regional and a local perspective, the thesis provides with accounts of the relational field of interdependencies between the Australian State and its Indigenous habitants. Experiential and historical constructions of Country, cultural logics of Indigenous ritual and political agency, processes of indigenisation of the Australian modernity and current models of Indigenous sustainable development in the Kimberley are successively examined in order to allow for a processual and performative understanding of Indigenous articulations of their subjectivity, agency and identity. The thesis develops a theoretical framework discussing intercultural and ontological models of Indigeneity and argues for a territorialising and performative approach to the definition of Indigenous singularities, drawing on the Indigenous concepts of Country and Law and Culture to frame anew notions of orality, culture and land.
Vanessa Castejon, Les aborigènes et le système politique australien : marginalisation, revendications politiques, aboriginalité (Aborigines and the Australian political system: marginalization, political demands, aboriginality), These, French, Paris 3, 2002,
Online at
Abstract: From the colonisation of Australia in 1788 until 1967 Aboriginal people were excluded from the Australian political life. Since the 1967 referendum the government has been able to legislate on indigenous issues. Aboriginal people constitute about 2% of the population and they are almost absent from the main Australian political institutions, they are confined to a place determined by the government in the Australian political system. Claims from aboriginal activists are diverted by the government towards its own political choices. In response to claims for self-determination aboriginal governmental institutions were created. They were supposed to participate in the decision-making process but the government controls them and clearly expresses its disagreement when they take initiatives. The government also answered to claims for a treaty by imposing its own priority and its own way of negotiating, that is Reconciliation. Nonetheless, Aboriginal activists and leaders still promote the right to self-determination, the recognition of Aboriginal sovereignty as well as the negotiation of a treaty. Some have found ways to circumvent marginalisation using the political tools imposed by the government. Some try to obtain a betterment of their rights through the creation of protest movements, like the Aboriginal Provisional Government which is threatening to establish an Aboriginal State. Others choose to put pressure on the system via the United Nations authorities. By studying the marginalisation of Aboriginal people in the Australian political system and the responses to this marginalisation, it is possible to note that aboriginal claims for political recognition are linked with a process of definition of identity, a need for recognition of Aboriginal identity (or Aboriginality).
- Référentiel d’ingénierie territoriale;
Guide du Directeur des Services Techniques, Technicité, 2013
- Paolo Freire, Susana NETO, Jeff Camkin
- Philippe Vaillant, Le présent du conte : étude sur l’oralité du conte traditionnel et ses fondements métaphysiques (The present of the tale : oralyity of traditionnal tale study, and its metaphysical foundations), Collection « Métaphysique au quotidien, L’Harmattan, Paris, 243 p. French
5.C. List of pedagogical DVDs
List of DVD and usefulness (DVDs are in English unless the DVD01 French)
The purpose of this DVD is to lay the foundations of the subject in the 3 dimensions of Sustainable Development (SD). It brings together all the necessary methodological books (in French and English beginning), base maps, and a small summary of my « career » with key documents .. It says so in « General / Earth works Rivers WATER « Roger Lambert, Bethemont, Demangeot, Yanni Gunnell, Huetz, Anctol, the article by Michel Deshaies, … Many books are presented for SD: Science, Culture, Sovereignty.
DVD02a-Preparation-Australia 4310MO (This DVD is French for SDAGES, English for the rest)
This DVD is more focused on water: SDAGEs Rhine-Meuse SDAGE Rhone, Barreteau IRSTEA It gives key documents of IWRM (the Water Resource Integrated Management) and IWRM (International Water Resource Management). Finally, it brings together information from 144 Studies, Australian National University (ANU)and 23 key articles on the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
This DVD focuses on UNESCO, Africa, and specifies the IWRM (25 765 folders and files)
DVD synthesizes all the elements obtained in Australia in October 2013 to International Water Centre, and research done in Australia and in the month of returning to France. It is organized following meetings with Brian McIntosh, Dana Kelly, Anne and Ian Perdrisat Poelina, Regine Souter. It explores the data tracks by the latter. (1500 files in 135 folders)
DVD04a-Track-NAILSMA & Complement
This DVD explores all Facilitators Guide Tools for Developing an Aborigine Water Plan, directed by track- NAISLMA 2008 to 2012. This is a basic first-hand documents to work with the Aborigines peoples and prepare the 3rd Year Study « Participation ». (67fichiers, 11 files)
DVD04b_MDBA-KEY_Queensland & Complement
The calculation of the water was made to the Basin Murray-Darling, one million km2 in the southeast of Australia. All methods therefore exist for Kimberley, at least in part. It is therefore a good starting point and point of comparison. (655 items)
This DVD comes in the heart of the matter of the First year of study: the calculation of the water It explores the Australian model of the water cycle and the documents currently available.. (4400 files in 300 folders)
This is the implementation of a Geographic Information System with Q-GIS, Shareware powerful and consistent Arc-GIS, Arc-View, …
DVD07a_Heritage-Fight-EN-FR-Mardoowarra (Magali Films Mc Duffie and Eugénie Dumont ST FR)
DVD07b_HeritageFight-ENG (Movie Augénie Dumont English)
DVD08_Bassin Rhine-Meuse_1200MO (educational DVD for Charleville-Mezieres and the Meuse)
DVD09_CHROMATIQUES (DVD Educational Thought for organic or « Thought Process »)