Ch.4: Conclusion

Chapter 4: Conclusion:        strategies      for prevention and control

Perspective in terms of urban planning implementation

4.A.               Towards the elaboration of a GIS

A very important GIS work was done at the scale of the 85,000 km2, going from Broome to Fitzroy Crossing, on 10 maps at 1/250,000th provided free of charge by the website of Geoscience-Australia.

A simulation was made to consolidate all the data by themes, and to develop new layers.

The lack of adequate equipment, and the difficulty to access the GIS of the LOTERR Laboratory, despite an upgrade done on the base file, failed so far to produce the specific maps for this imagined research (for which the basic documentation is now there in terms of planning of facilities, mines, industries, livestock, reform of pastoral leases, protected aboriginal sites registered and not yet registered, etc…). Can we imagine a long-distance job on the ARC GIS, or the software used here: QGIS 2.0 DUFOUR?

4.B.               Limitations of current studies, further scientific research

4.C.               A hydrogeological model supported by the GIS

4.C.1.     Beginning of a collaboration with Georesources laboratory, University of Lorraine:

Here is the last Exchange with Georesources laboratory:
-Message transferred-
From: Michel Bues : Date: January 22, 2015 17:22
Subject: Fwd: Martin
Cc: Constantin Oltean < >

Hello Philippe,

Below, Constantin’s answer to your questions.
As attached document, I have attached the proposed topic. Cordially,

From: « Constantin Oltean » < >
To: « Michel BuèsCc: « Fabrice Golfier »  » Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 08:45:22
Subject: Re: Fwd: Martin

Hi Michel,

We already have 2 students on this topic in order to, as a first step, sort out the data sent by Philippe (indeed, they must produce a small bibliographic report on the subject by late February, early March) and then to consider the elaboration of a conceptual model of flow on GMS in a 2D configuration.

See you soon
Titel HDR lecturer

**************************************************************** UMR 7359 Georesources

École Nationale Supérieure de géologie University of Lorraine
Marcel Roubault TSA 70605 Dean Street
Tel. : 33. (0)
Fax: 33. (0)

Here is the proposal made by the Georesources laboratory. It is worth noting that a former student of the school of geology, Mr. Martin PUJOL (- HYPERLINK « »,, La Guilletiere, 38134 St Joseph River, France) who worked in Perth in the Rockwater company on hydrogeological models for the Broome region, proposes to come in support of the team, as an adviser, with a more active participation depending on the funding and the development of the project.

Proposal for laboratory project 2014-2015

Title : Implementation of a conceptual model of the Fitzroy River alluvial aquifer
Laboratory (s)



Building E, Rue Marcel Roubault Dean, 54518, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy

Framing referent



Mail:  »

Phone: 0383596344

Other supervisors

OLTEAN Constantin

Keyword (s)

Conceptual model, GMS, aquifer, simulations


This work will involve building a conceptual model in 2D or 3D configuration of the alluvial aquifer of the Fitzroy River (Kimberley, Australia). The modeling, conducted by GMS, will enable the following: (i) to improve the understanding on the hydrodynamic functioning of the aquifer (recharge/discharge, water-river exchanges,…), (ii) to establish a program of management of the resource in water and in particular for the dry season, and (iii) to assess the impact caused by the possible intrusion of seawater on groundwater quality

Stakeholder students if already known

Paul NOTOM & Guillaume ZANINI

Other information

Possibility to continue the project next year…

4.D.               Establishing      a   participatory      project    on   the basis of the 2010 collaboration

No participation process has taken place in the Fitzroy River valley since 2010.

A participatory approach is therefore expected, especially as Nyikina country is now recognized on 26 000 km2 under Native Title, and Aboriginal communities now have the opportunity to consider the future with, of course, only little flexibility, but nevertheless with a opportunity to voice their concerns and idea. ,

4.E.               General Conclusion

The post-doctorate approach is not completed, and this for several reasons.

  • The procedure of development of the GIS within the LOTERR laboratory has not been set. A GIS database has therefore been established with a small-size microcomputer which was useful to visualize and check, but not to develop.

Anyway, with the resources allocated, the following elements were brought together:

  • A network of scientific, technical and cultural relationships
  • A database of some 300 GB
  • Creation of 9 educational DVDs to be able to go further
  • 3 international publications (49th ISOCARP Congress, 2nd UNESCO Forum on Water in Africa, and 4th Conference on Resilience)
  • 18 events bringing together from 15 to 70 persons (300 for the UNESCO in Yamoussoukro)
  • establishment of a methodology which is both scientific and philosophical (organic), cross- cultural, and which could contribute to the dialogue on Science / traditional knowledge

This report does not reflect the importance of the work conducted in GIS, nor does it reflect the rigor of the process of convergence of organic approaches.

On this basis, it seems possible

  • to achieve a conclusive program (especially on the dimension of GIS, and in collaboration with GEO-resources),
  • to develop an organic methodology in the form of HDR Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches –Research Management Habilitation (develop the convergences and their field application).

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