The project ran from September 20, 2013 to December 30, 2015, a period of two years and three months. The French funding was for one year, from September 2013 to September 2014 to integrate questions regarding the calculation of water. This included tools to control the dimension of planning and cultural dimension. (organic approach), with reduced funding (modification of the conditions during a mission by the University of Lorraine). In late 2013 and 2014 I made two trips to Australia, 40 days and 30 days (see the events 1-14). Late 2014 and 2015 were devoted to the comparison with France and especially the cultural dimension through the creation of a Franco-Australian show (see events from 15 to 18).
Being a Post-Doc, and not a new thesis, this report emphasizes the relational and event- dimension, i.e. on the experience of the mission, experience, and key references that came out of it. The project examined an international organic conceptual model, which can later be developed into a Habilitation to manage research (HDR) within the LOTERR Laboratory, University of Lorraine.
This mission was primarily made through « remarkable encounters, » and I acknowledge my deep appreciation to the following people who have made the project possible:
Funders in France:
- Emmanuel PILLON, PRU Director of the City of Charleville-Mézières,
- Marie-Jose REMY, Service Training Manager City of Charleville-Mézières
- Michel DESHAIES, Director of the Laboratory LOTERR, Université de Lorraine
- Jean-Pierre HUSSON, Professor of Geography, University of Lorraine Partners
Funders in Australia:
- Anne POELINA and Ian PERDRISAT, Inc. Madjulla Broome, Australia
- Brian McINTOSH and Dana KELLY, International Water Centre, Brisbane
- Christine BLACK, University of Griffith, Brisbane,
- Gwen KNOX, Big Mama Production, Broome, Australia
- Philippe Gilbert VAILLANT, Writer and Storyteller, “Passer of words”, Bartilleux, France
Realization of report in English
- Jean-François VAILLANT, English Teacher, France
- Magali McDUFFIE, PhD student at the Australia National University (ANU), Canberra, ACT
Thank you warmly to each of them, for making possible this mission and its’ rendering, and believing in my success. Without their support and confidence, nothing would have been possible.